Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP: 4 Shop smart. When you will go on a hunt fo missing pieced, you want to be sure you spend your hard earn money on the right items that will really serve you well for a long time. The offer in the shops is enormous and it’s normal to get overwhelmed, lost or tired. Find out how to shop to never regret a purchase.
Style start-over: how to find your style in 5 steps (3/5)
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP: 3 Clean your closet. Go through your closet and look at each thing. Keep ONLY the items you regularly wear, are in good shape and size, accentuate your best body features, and they fit into the vision of future you, created in STEP 1. These items need to make you feel fabulous, spark up your joy and give you confidence. Anything what doesn’t meet above conditions - REMOVE from your closet.