It’s the person you want to cross your paths with
Here is the person who will not only dress your body but also your PERSONALITY! She will make you feel beautiful and make you want to care what you wear and how you wear it. She’s not afraid of making statements but also to drop the ideas if they don’t fit. It’s the person you want to cross your paths with! Thank you Bo!
Agata, auditor
I got inspired to step-up my personal style
It was a great experience to do the personal shopping with Bo. I learned a lot, I got inspired to step-up my game in terms of personal style and Bo helped me find such versatile clothing pieces!
I really recommend going shopping with Bo! Master stylist!
Sientje, consultant
It will help you save money
I spent an interesting day with Bo doing a closet cleaning. She helped me understand which clothes suit my body type & also which colors suit me. She gave me some eye opening advice and helped me make better choices in choosing outfits from my closet or buying new clothes. This closet cleaning will help you save money since it will guide you in avoiding buying wrong clothes :-). Next step is the personal shopping: looking forward to it!
Sofie, manager
Professional wardrobe that will last a few years
“I did a personalized shopping day with Bo and she really helped me find exactly the right attire I needed in my professional life. After a day of shopping with her and hearing her honest feedback, I feel confident I have enough pieces to have a professional wardrobe that will last a few years, with timeless, quality products and some special pieces that still make the business attire personalized and "me".”
Pieter-Jan, legal counsel
I've never felt so put together
“I cannot recommend Bo's services highly enough! I had a personal image consultation with her. She has a real eye for style and gave me the right tools to choose what fits and flatters me best in my wardrobe, both in terms of cut and colour. I now feel I understand what to look for when out shopping and how to combine pieces I already own, giving me a real confidence boost in my image as well as just a better look! I've never felt so put together. Bo is also extremely personable and warm and I would heartily recommend a session with her to anyone who's feeling a bit stuck in their personal style. It's the best investment I've made in mine! Thank you Bo!”
Louise, conference interpreter
Energy boost to step out of my comfort zone and take action
“I did a closet revision and personal shopping with Bo and I highly recommend her services. I had too many clothes and was also struggling with the right combinations. Bo helped me to turn this around and allowed me to have more breathing space in my closet which gave me a new view. Bo gave me some important styling tips which immediately had effect by creating a moodboard on Pinterest, trying on some combinations and evaluating the result together and experimenting with new combinations which gave me an “aha!” effect and an energy boost to step out of my comfort zone and take action. The way Bo provided her advice and support, which is a style itself, made me feel comfortable as it was not an easy process for me to say goodbye to a big part of my wardrobe. The cherry on the cake was the personal shopping in Antwerp with Bo which allowed me to fill in the gaps in my wardrobe based on a shopping list that we had prepared after the closet revision. I am so grateful for Bo’s professional advice, her warm personality, her energy and her natural talent which makes her a real clothing expert.”
Soraya, consultant
Big style gain without buying more things
“What I loved about Bo is that she is a great listener and observer who gives honest and spot-on advice.
One afternoon with her really had a lasting effect on my wardrobe. Things I was never wearing and colors that made me look tired are no more cluttering the space, I learned how to sort out my closet nicely, and most importantly, Bo helped me find a number of fresh combinations between the garments I already owned!
I started the session feeling that all my clothes were dull and boring, and by the end of the day, I realized that I just needed to rethink how I was putting together my outfits - which was great because it meant a big style gain without actually having to buy more things.”
Norma, illustrator & visual practitioner
It’s much easier now to get ready for work
Bo helped me organise my closet so that in the morning it would take me much less time to pick out my outfit.
That has made it much easier for me to get ready for work. She is very professional and a great listener.
She is not imposing - she respects your preferences and constraints. I highly recommend Bo's service!
Pam, business owner
"Dit is het" gevoel
“Een stipte ontmoeting in Starbucks in Antwerpen Centraal was het begin. Even samen opwarmen met een lekkere koffie. We wandelden naar een zaak waar veel ruimte en een grote keuze is. Eenmaal daar, vroeg je vriendelijk en gedecideerd wat ik liefst zou dragen... "Een jurk met bijpassende jas". Je stelde voor om in elkaars nabijheid de kleding te bekijken, rond te snuffelen, alles te doorlopen, en uit de rek te nemen wat ons intuïtief aansprak. Een half uur later, stonden we in de paskamer. Vliegensvlug hing je alles aan een baar en nodigde me uit om het eerste kledingstuk te passen. Ondertussen had je goed geluisterd naar wat ik vertelde. Over kleuren, maten, snit... Terwijl ik paste, liep je opnieuw tussen de rekken en bracht wat variaties mee. Niet alleen variaties op het gevraagde thema, maar ook inspirerende eigen ideetjes. Ik ben de paskamer niet meer uitgekomen, enkel om in een grote spiegel mezelf te keuren, en jouw mening te vragen. Ongeveer 2 uren later, stonden we buiten, mèt onze buit...een jurk met bijpassende mantel. Spannend vond ik het om dan verder met jou nog veel winkels in en uit te lopen, op zoek naar een handtas en schoenen. Stel je voor, dat ik ergens een outfit zou zien hangen die nog mooier zou vinden... Neen dus. Telkens weer dat goed gevoel "dit is het", omdat het net die touch had die past bij de gelegenheid, De Trouw van mijn oudste dochter. Dank je wel, Bo.”
Gerda, social woker
I’m now much more conscious about what a nice outfit can do
My wardrobe was a bit of a chaos, so I made use of the wardrobe revision. We started with cleaning my wardrobe.
Not so easy for me as I had some resistance, giving away some clothes 'as I could still use another set of pants to paint', right? :) However Bo was able to put my resistance aside, and at the end I had a fully organized wardrobe. We had a good view on what I still had available, but also what I was missing. The fun part started when we went for the shopping.
Given that Bo now had a clear view of my personality and what I was missing, she was the perfect personal shopper.
She created some great outfits, taken into account my personality, my style and my body type. Afterwards, when going to work in my new outfits, or meeting friends for a glass of wine in the bar, my colleagues and friends really noticed the difference, and I got a lot of compliments! I am now much more conscious about what a nice outfit can do, and it definitely helps to 'feel good' about yourself! I can highly recommend the services!
Annelies, strategy manager
I was looking to find a style that suited me
When I realized that my wardrobe was in dire need of an update (I had a lot of old jeans and I wore mostly black clothes),
I asked around and came in contact with Bo Aquarius. The two days I spend with her were two fun days during which
I learned a lot. I wasn’t looking to have the latest fashion trends but to find a style that suited me and it was spot on!
The first day, we did a thorough cleanup of my wardrobe. That brought us some funny moments, but what a relief.
Bo taught me why certain clothes suit me or why they don’t: it's very important to be able to do it yourself afterwards!
She also taught me how to wear my clothes in a better and prettier way with good, simple and affordable tips.
The second day was the shopping day! We bought nice clothes that I would otherwise not even look at, just because I didn’t realize that I can easily match these with different styles of clothing. Again, Bo gave me a lot of tips about which colours
I should look for, how I can match clothing pieces and how to wear them... for example wearing a shirt tucked in your pants or not makes all the difference! Clothes can be as cheap or as expensive as you want them to be, Bo takes your budget into account, perfect! Although it was a while ago, I'm still having the benefits of Bo's help. Shopping has been so much easier since, because I finally have the insight of what suits me best and how I should match clothes!
For me it has been the game changer I was looking for. Many many thanks, Bo!
Liesbeth, engineer