The suit is above all trends and never goes out of style. This spring/summer season we will be rocking all shades of ice cream and cupcake frosting! Forget grey and navy! The colourful suit has so much more personality and will make you stand out. And it can still look professional.
Public figures communicate their stands through their outfits every day. The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was a great example of how to convey a powerful message in your outfit and make a memorable statement. Find out how to decode the meaning behind someone's outfit and how to apply it in your career and reinforce your professional image.
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP: 5 Be confident. There aren't many things in life which we can control so easily like the clothes we put on, so why not to make the most of them? Working on your personal style means self-care. Listening to your needs and giving them the highest priority builds confidence that attracts the right people into your life. Every day you can celebrate the person you are through your personal style. It is always available to you.
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP: 4 Shop smart. When you will go on a hunt fo missing pieced, you want to be sure you spend your hard earn money on the right items that will really serve you well for a long time. The offer in the shops is enormous and it’s normal to get overwhelmed, lost or tired. Find out how to shop to never regret a purchase.
If you are single - you probably hate it. If you are in a relationship - you probably feel pressured to “do something special”. Either way - most likely you are NOT a big fan of the day and I totally get that. My own attitude towards Valentine’s Day has evolved over the years and, eventually, I realized I really like celebrating it. Read on to find out why!
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP: 3 Clean your closet. Go through your closet and look at each thing. Keep ONLY the items you regularly wear, are in good shape and size, accentuate your best body features, and they fit into the vision of future you, created in STEP 1. These items need to make you feel fabulous, spark up your joy and give you confidence. Anything what doesn’t meet above conditions - REMOVE from your closet.
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP 2: Befriend your body. Before you can dress yourself, you need to get to know it really well. You must see it all to know how to work with it. When you know and fully accept your body, caring for it and dressing it well comes naturally. Take time for it before moving on to trying any new clothes. This is a crucial step in the process of finding your style.
Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. STEP 1: Who do you want to be? A style is about identifying what you want your clothes to say about you. It takes time to create that awareness and develop your own true taste. And to do that you need to find out what you like, what don’t like and look for inspiration.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It only takes 7 seconds for people to form their opinions about you. And their opinions are solemnly based on how you look. Your clothes and style are the very important parts of your personal brand. The good news is that you have full control over it.