Black Friday Shopping Guide





Black Friday is only a few days away!

It's a great opportunity to stock up on high quality basics for your wardrobe and buy early Christmas gifts for your loved ones (and yourself!). Black Friday deals apply on anything from clothes, home and beauty products to electronics and tech - there's something for everyone.

Here are my 5 tips that will help you get the most out of the biggest shopping event of the year. 

Tip 1: Create a wish list

Do your research in advance and save the items you are interested in to your wish list. Use the Shoptagr service whenever possible so you will be notified when each item goes on sale - very handy!

Tip 2: Prepare your shopping cart

Create an account on a desired web shop in advance and add the items to your basket. When sales will start you will go straight to the check out. This way you won't spend time researching, inputing your details and risking your item or size selling out in the meantime.

Tip 3: Start early 

Many shops start their deals already on the week preceding Black Friday so prepare yourself earlier.

Tip 4: Keep in mind Cyber Monday

Despite the name, Black Friday's deals actually last until Monday. If you are late to the party you can still score great deals!

Tip 5: Stick to your budget 

Don't get carried away! When mesmerised by all the discounts it's very easy to buy something you don't actually need. Plan your list and budget in advance and stick to it.