If you are single - you probably hate it. If you are in a relationship - you probably feel pressured to do something special. Either way - most likely you are NOT a big fan of the day and I totally get that.
My own attitude towards Valentine’s Day has evolved over the years from strong dislike, through longing for a full-on experience (due to feeding myself on romantic comedies for years and wanting to live a real-life-fantasy at least for a day), through aversion and protest against commercialism and consumerism, through participating, but only sort of, in case anybody would say I’m cheesy. How do you reconcile all of that?
Well... I think by asking yourself what is it that you really want. When you remove all the media, commercials, social expectations and your past experiences from the picture - what else is there that shapes your attitude about V day?
Ask yourself what do you really want
I realized I like Valentine’s Day. I like it because it's a reminder to be more thoughtful about our loved one. I can hear you thinking: you don’t need Valentin’s day to do that, and I agree, you don’t. Also, If you are in a long-lasting, committed relationship, where you live together for years, seen each other through highs, lows, the good, the bad, the nice, the ugly, the most likely you are SO FAMILIAR with each other that you think you are have passed the romantic stuff long, long time ago. But let’s be honest, how often you stop to think how grateful you are to have him/her in your life? How often you show and tell him/her that? The chances are that you do it less and less. Not because you don’t mean it but because life gets in between and takes over. Times like Valentine’s day are great occasions for us to be more mindful. In fact, I like to use all the possible reminders out there, like first kiss, dating anniversary, wedding anniversary, birthday, etc. Seems intense? I don’t think so. I like to celebrate whenever I get the chance.
I know valentine’s stuff might be cheesy
and blown up of proportion. But I don’t mind. I can CHOOSE how I want to celebrate it, and it doesn’t have to be in a cheesy way. What I like the most is to incorporate small dorky things that only we know and small rituals that only we find cute and funny. I like simple things like chocolates or dinner. Though simple, they feel special to me because they are intentional. I like taking a trip. I like a nice breakfast. I like wine. I like diamonds too but I’m realistic. How you choose to celebrate is totally up to you, not the social standards. Do whatever you both enjoy. Just be sincere and mindful, that’s all :-)
But I am single
If you are single and feel like an outcast on that day, almost scared to leave your apartment - I get you. I remember once feeling as a whole world was mocking me for not having someone who loved me. I’ve been there. (In retrospect: I believed that there were only couples holding hands wherever I looked, and it wasn’t a whole world, it was just the city I lived in.) Now I know the right perception can change everything. And I want to tell you that if I were single today I would CHOOSE to celebrate it. I would spoil myself with chocolates, maybe flowers, and for sure with a good bottle of wine. Maybe I would even buy a beautiful lingerie set. Why? Because cultivating self-love means cultivating love. And I think this kind of love is crucial for all of us. So, if you don’t have a plus one on Valentine’s day, celebrate You. How often, otherwise, you do that?
Ideas for Valentine’s Day
gifts & activities
Even more ideas!
dinner at that fancy restaurant you always wanted to try
fancy dinner cooked together at home
weekend away
day in a spa
How do you feel about Valentine’s day? What do you usually do? And what are you going to do this year? Let me know!
Brunch in the city http://www.foom.be/
Bittersweet chocolates https://bit.ly/2RTGc00
His perfume https://bit.ly/2BqN4N1
Her perfume https://bit.ly/2Btgkmk
W Gin https://bit.ly/2WRGhVS
His bathrobes https://bit.ly/2E1VKev
Her bathrobe https://bit.ly/2GBpfWm
Happy sock shttps://bit.ly/2I2a2zN
Cashmere scarf grey https://bit.ly/2Dt20ux
Cashmere set navy https://bit.ly/2I3jcfy
His Pj top https://bit.ly/2GlPSzk
Her Pj top https://bit.ly/2E4oEuC
Slip eye mask navy https://bit.ly/2RPqWl2
Slip eye mask pink https://bit.ly/2N0001h
Onepiece onesie https://bit.ly/2Dustrk
His slippers https://bit.ly/2MZgXsC
Her slippers https://bit.ly/2USf17M