Welcome to the blog series that will guide you through the process of finding your own style or refining it. How you dress is a reflection of who you are and who you want to be. Your personal style deserves the consideration and plan just as much as your health and fitness goals.
Discover STEP 1: Who do you want to be?
Discover STEP 2: Befriend your body
Discover STEP 3: Clean out your closet
Discover STEP 4: Shop smart
Be confident
Welcome to your style 2.0. You went through all the steps to build it. You've identified what you like and what you want for yourself. You’ve learned to accept your body and how to dress it to showcase its key assets. You’ve confronted your wardrobe and got rid of everything that wasn’t right for you and your style vision. You’ve taken time to find the perfect clothes that make you feel amazing, beautiful, and authentic. And now you finally get to wear them! But instead of feeling like a million bucks you start doubting yourself. The worry sneaks in that people on the street will stare at you, that you will attract too much attention at work, that you will stand out from your friends.
This worry can kill all the joy you felt. Maybe you even consider changing into something you’re used to wearing, something safe. But don’t! Because if you do - nothing will ever change. If you never try something different, you will never think differently about yourself. Remember why you wanted to work on your style - it was important for you to make a change. It was important because how YOU feel in your clothes is important! You are important. Don’t give up on wanting something better for yourself out of fear of what other people might think.
Ask yourself a question: whose opinion REALLY matters to you? Is it an opinion of your neighbour? Your colleague? Your aunt? That girl in your friends’ group who always puts others down? A stranger you pass by on the street? Or is it an opinion of your boyfriend or husband? You best friends? Your family? Your OWN? You should only wear something because it makes YOU feel good and happy, not because it's safe or pleases other people.
I know you may feel self-conscious about your outfit and how you will be judged. We all crave external confirmation that we look good. But true self-esteem ultimately has to come from within. Both style and confidence require knowing yourself and what you feel best in. To feel confident in your clothes takes time but if you believe in what you wear, other people will believe it too. Remember that first and foremost you dress for yourself. And when you wear something you love - it shows!
"The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.”
A style is about creating possibility. It’s about taking control over your image. Not just to achieve a particular goal, like getting a job you want, but to create a mindset and environment for the life you want for yourself. There aren't many things in life which we can control so easily like the clothes we put on, so why not to make the most of them? Working on your personal style means self-care. Listening to your needs and giving them the highest priority builds self-respect and self-esteem. And eventually, it develops the type of confidence that attracts the right people into your life. Every day you can celebrate the person you are through your personal style. It is always available to you.
And if you need any help - I’m here for you :)